We Global Industrial Services LLC would like to take this opportunity to introduce our Industrial calibration division an ISO 9001 : 2008 certified and ISO/IEC 17025 : 2005 accredited one of leading independent calibration laboratory which provide a vast array of 3rd party calibration & testing services in the field of Electrical / Instrumentation/ Mechanical/ Analytical & Civil test and measure equipment’s and one of the market leader across the Sultanate Of Oman , approved by the Ministry of Commerce, Established since 2007.
Global Industrial Services L.L.C. is an end to end solution provider for accredited calibration services, Testing and verification of your process equipment’s which are playing very vital role in your product quality. Our laboratory is very well equipped with state-of-the-art equipment’s at par with traceable to international standards.
Our calibration engineers has institutionalised a calibration / verification process closely understanding the client’s need, and objectives leading to effective control over the calibration process so on the process. A accurate business insight coupled with sharp technical knowledge lends Global Industrial Services the edge that is essential to serve clients well. The company follows a strict instruments check and calibration to determine their suitability for the assignments. GIS Cal. lab has a strong customer focus, quality service, integrity and technically competent team, this has made to become top rated companies in Oman our regular customer for their calibrations requirements.
Pressure Gauge, Compound Gauge, Vacuum Gauge, Diaphragm Pressure Gauge, Magnehelic Gauge, Differential Pressure Gauge,Digital Pressure Indicator, Digital Vacuum Indicator, Pressure Calibrator,Pressure TransmitterTransducer, Vacuum Transmitter /Transducer, Smart Transmitter, Differential Pressure Transmitter,Pressure Transmitter with HartCommunicator, Pressure Switch,Vacuum Switch, Pressure Controller / Indicator, Pressure Chart Recorder, Pressure Data Logger, BP Apparatus, Level Transmitter,Centrifuge / Rotary Shaker
Primary calibration facility for Pressure/ Temperature including Authorized service center for DH – Budenberg DWT’s in Oman.
We are pleased to inform you that GIS has now the DH Budenberg Premium Calibration System as shown below. We have set up this facility to help customers in Oman to avail local calibration and repair support. As you can see with this state of the art set up , can provide accurate cross float calibration for pressure in Dead Weight Testers. This involves balancing both piston and mass set with a reference piston and mass. This is the only such set up in Oman .
Multimeters/ Oscilloscopes/Frequency counters/ Frequency
Generators/Clamp meters Power Supply/Resistance Boxes/Loop Calibrators /3 phase Rotation tester/Voltmeter / Ammeter/LCR Meter/ Auto – Variable Transformer/ High voltage Isolation testers/ HV oil di-electric testers/ High voltage DC& AC insulation testers/Earth testers/ Primary & secondary current injection kits etc.
Temperature Controller / Indicator Temperature Sensor (RTD, Thermocouple)/ Temperature Transmitter Temperature Calibrator (liquid & dry block)/ Temperature Recorder (Chart/Digital) / Thermo Switch / Thermostat
Thermometer (Glass/Digital/Wet, Dry &IR) / Hot Air Oven / Muffle Furnace / Water Bath / Incubator / Refrigerator / Deep Freezer/ Chillers /Whirling Hygrometer/ Dew point meter/ Humidity Meter etc
Load Cells/ Trorque Wrenches / Torque Multiplier/ Force Gauge/ Dynamometer etc.
Theodolite/ TotalStation/ Auto- Dumpylevel/ Cube Moulds/ Compression
Testing Machine/ CBR testing Mahine/ Sevies etc.
Analytical Balances/ Weights / Weights / Weight Sets/ Batch Plants/ Way
Bridges etc.
Sound Level meter/ Vibration Meter-Analyzer/ Vibration Transducer etc.
Measuring Tape / Inside & Outside Micrometer/ Vernier Caliper/ Slip Gauges/ Circometers / Coating Thickness gauges/ Dial indicators / Bore /depth / height Gauges Pin / Thread Plug& ring gauges etc.
Micro Pipette (Single, Multichannel)/ Volumetric Apparatus/ Burette/ Glass Wares/ p H and conductivity meter Etc.
Tachometer / RPM meter/ Lux- Light meter / Stop Watch/ Gas Monitors/Welding Machine/ Portable Generator etc.
Load Cells/ Trorque Wrenches / Torque Multiplier/ Force Gauge/ Dynamometer etc.
Onsite Testing & verification of Energy meter using with highly accurate Power quality Analyzer for both Industrial and Domestic Meters.
IR Thermography Inspection for various Electrical Panels, Tanks ,vessel and other Mechanical system using thermal imaging camera with advanced software for preparing test certificates.
Temperature Validation & Mapping for incubators, storage areas,warehouses, autoclaves, EtO chambers, stability chambers, tunnels, dry heat sterilizers, Oven, Furnaces, refrigerator & chillers whereever the
accuruacy is critical.
Calibration & certification of Gaueges, weight Indicators, SPM, RPM gauges, Releif Valves