Interiors & Fit Out


Interior Fit Out

The heart and soul of what we provide. Our turnkey interior services include wall-to-wall and floor to ceiling fit outs. Our team of artists, designers, project managers and technicians come together to provide the highest standard of workmanship for any space

Interior Design

Whatever you imagine, we can create. Our in-house creative studio brings an entirely different dimension to Ace. We help you envision and offer creative and intelligent responses to your goals and requirement. We know how to listen and infuse your organization’s personality into a space.



Project Management

We are taskmasters at every level. The fears of most clients stem from lack of transparency, slipping time frames and rising budgets. Our business-savvy project managers offer technical expertise that contributes to streamlined, on-time, within-budget projects. Our process includes design-quality management reviews and consultant coordination, budget management, monthly reporting, design scheduling and design-fee cash flow forecasting and trending. All results. No surprises.

Furniture & joinery products

We stretch the design boundaries and achieve the highest level of customization by independently producing furniture and upholstery. Our experienced in-house craftsmen consistently communicate with the design team to ensure your vision is incorporated into every element.